International cooperation

The TKIT department strives to be at the center of international scientific and educational initiatives, strengthening its connections with leading educational and research centers around the world. Cooperation was established through international memorandums with educational institutions in Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Italy, China, Germany and other countries.

Cooperation with the Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Textile Institute named after. A.N. Kosygin and ATU includes the integration of curricula for a double-diploma education program in technology and design of light industry products.

Since 2013, the TDPG department has successfully maintained a partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester, UK) and the Technical University in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. As part of this cooperation, the faculty of the department participates in international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the light and textile industries, invites professors to give lectures and participate in ATU summer schools.

The conclusion of a memorandum in the 2017-2018 academic year between the Hof University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and the Shandong University of Art and Design (PRC) underlines the constant desire to expand international interaction.

In 2018-2019, a memorandum was concluded between the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), allowing effective interaction with neighboring regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, a memorandum of cooperation was concluded with a large private university in China, Shanghai Jian Qiao University, which demonstrates the department’s commitment to global academic outreach in the field of costume design.

  In 2023-2024 teachers of the department improved their qualifications by going on internships to universities near and far abroad:

- Tashkent Institute of Textile Light Industry, Uzbekistan

- Moscow Textile Institute named after. A.N. Kosygin, Russia

- Shanghai Jian Qiao University, China.

Currently, cooperation with universities is further developed through inviting foreign lecturers to conduct classes, creative master classes for undergraduate students and scientific consultations for master's and doctoral students.

Our foreign lecturers and partners in the academic and scientific environment:

Mokeeva Natalya Sergeevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Novosibirsk Technological Institute MGUDT,

Rysbaeva Imiyla Akimzhanovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the Technological Institute, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova, Kyrgyz Republic,

Ezieva Mariyam Nehir, Assoc. Professor, PhD, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Arts, Türkiye.

Kim Hyung Suk, Dean, Intermark International Design College, Shanghai Jian Qiao University, China.

The department plans joint/double-degree education with well-known universities in Turkey, since it is one of the most dynamically developing countries in the field of light industry.

The future plans of the TDPG department include expanding the geography of international cooperation, mutually beneficial cooperation with teachers and scientists from the best universities in Europe and Asia, training personnel for the light industry.


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